How do you survive with no wifi, no heat and no electricity.
Whilst out exploring certain farms, you can bet that some of the farms if not most – did not have the most basic fundamentals such as wifi, heat, or electricity.
Well, you may ask how you make this work. You rely on your senses, you start to rely heavily on your own inner logic rather than being totally reliant on external factors.
Let’s start with no Wifi – for me, this was particularly difficult as I am able to travel and explore farms purely because of the work I do from my laptop. So the majority of the time I knew I had 20Gb for the month via my data plan and I just had to make it last, if I ran out, well I couldn’t do more work which in turn meant not getting paid.
I became very good at using my imagination to stay occupied, from drawing to building new random structures to even learning new instruments and of course writing my own thoughts down.
You do get creative when you don’t have access to every piece of information ever made in the world. I believe the limitation of not having WiFi actually makes you more curious to find new ways to entertain yourself.
I remember it was -5, December time – I was staying in a caravan in Normandy in a small village called Cerisy-la-Forêt and the electricity had been blown for the whole town. I was lucky enough to have nothing but a non-insulated caravan with no heating whatsoever. I can honestly say those 2 to 3 nights without electricity in that caravan were some of the most painful nights I had ever endured. How did I stay warm? Every 10 minutes I would get up, go outside and do 20 pushups and 20 star jumps to keep my blood flowing. However much this was a fire risk, I had also lit around 10 candles to try to give me some kind of heat, regardless this did not make an ounce of a difference..
So how is it to live without these basic amenities? I’d say the best experience I ever had. Why? Because it taught me to understand we are living on other peoples power, other people control what we have access to, whether it is running water or electricity from the grid or heat from the grid. It taught me that if you don’t become self-sustainable you will always at one point be reliant on someone else providing you with something. For me, the lesson was to learn how to cope in these times and to take these lessons into my life for future references.
Thank you for reading my blog post on the, if you have any questions about my time out farming don’t hesitate to get in contact with me on Instagram at @nomad.josh